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H O W   T O   B U I L D   A   S T O R Y T E L L E R
T H E   B R O N T E   P A R S O N A G E   M U S E U M

How to Build a Storyteller is an audio installation created for the Servant’s Room of the Brontë Parsonage Museum. The audio performance invites you to take a seat in the room and enter into an imaginary world inspired by Yorkshire Folk Tales and the everyday objects which might have inspired the stories of the young Brontë children. The design includes a beautiful 19th century rocking chair and an intricately detailed sewing box, which, upon a second glance, might transport you to another land…

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Commissioned by The Brontë Parsonage Museum

Created by Sophia Hatfield

Designed by Rachel Shore

© 2024 by RACHEL SHORE

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